Sunday, September 25, 2011

The New Apple iPad Offers EPUB Format

When Apple's executive Steve Jobs presented the brand new iPad to the press and demonstrated many of its features, he also remarked that the iBooks application for iPad will use the increasingly popular EPUB format - a free format that was launched by the International Digital Publishing Forum.
Many publishers and authors are turning to EPUB format due to its increased use, and it is now possible to format and edit electronic books in EPUB with either a PC or a Mac computer - using tools such as the Sigil EPUB editor software or the iStudio Publisher desktop publishing application.
While EPUB offers powerful solutions for writers and publishers, some critics do point out that it is not ideal for publications that are heavily graphics-driven and have complex layout requirements. Comic books are one example that comes to mind, but even those who point out the EPUB's weakness in that specific area of publishing acknowledge that it is becoming such a widely used format that EPUB will likely be upgraded.
With companies as influential as Apple behind the product, it definitely looks like EPUB is here to stay and will only be improved over time as more people take advantage of it and insist on features to facilitate their publication requirements. EPUB is a format already used by many people on the new iPad, the iPhone and iPod touch, for example.
Meanwhile many new types of ebook readers are being unveiled, and as soon as Apple launched its much anticipated iPad lots of competing companies announced that they, too, would be offering consumers products that are essentially similar to the iPad. As the world of technology focuses its attention on capturing a share of the booming ereader and ebook market, consumers will be the big winners and beneficiaries of many new ebook downloading and reading technologies, publication software applications, and similar accessories.
Grab FREE copies of books at right now. Author Nicolas Gremion, also CEO at Free-Ebooks.Net, invites you to download your favorite authors and topics for your eBook Reader today. Access PDFs for FREE online and, for a nominal fee, UNlimited titles for your Kindle, Nook, SONY Reader, Apple iPad and more!

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