Monday, October 31, 2011

Best Laptops For Students - Undecided? Read This!

If you haven't bought yourself a new laptop for the new school year, now it is a good time to do so. With the holidays approaching fast, there will be, for certain, special offers and big discounts for laptops, especially for student laptops. This is really a good time, if not the best moment of the year, to take a look at those offers and buy that laptop you crave for a long time now, to be your so called "assistant" in school.
And before going to those big online shops plenty with all kind of laptops and click the buy button, you must know that there are certain factors you must consider before you make your choice.
Price. One well known factor that influences all of our buying decision not only when it comes to laptops but with other products, also. If your budget doesn't allow you to buy the most packed with the latest technology and full of features laptop, you might want to skip watching over these options if you can not afford to waste time unnecessarily. But if you have a flexible budget, watching over all the offers in front of you is a must, as you may be surprised of what combination of brand, packed technology and price will stand out by far.
Size. Going big or going small? Whether you choose a 17-inch laptop, or a small 13-inch, you must understand that are some disadvantages that comes with each one. Usually, I would talk about the advantages that each one has to offer, but this time I'm going to point the disadvantages, as I'm certain that you would want to avoid feeling uncomfortable with your laptop in school. The bigger the laptop size the more it will weight, and this will influence how you move. A bigger laptop also means a bigger backpack or laptop bag, and if you're already full with all the school requisite, adding another big item to your stack, will make you more harm than helping you, that of course, in terms of mobility. Think of those students who stay awake until late at night and wake up late morning, hurrying to get to class on time. On the other hand, small laptops with a plus for mobility, decreases your working capability on them. These usually don't come with a full keyboard, which along with the small keys will make you type more slowly than usually. Another aspect that worth mentioning is that you'll have to use alt+tab keys more often as all the open windows and applications you run simultaneous won't fit on a small screen as they do on a larger display. That means you have to allocate more time for finishing your projects.
In my opinion, the best laptops for students are midsized laptops, 15-inch, which are a compromise between the two mentioned above.
Configuration. This is where your budget comes again into play, as you will have to pay more for extra features. If you have a limited budget, a dual core processor at 2 GHz, 4GB RAM, an integrated graphics card and 1Tb hard drive will do the job. That means you'll be able to edit your documents and run some applications simultaneously. Nothing fancy, that's all you need for school. Of course, the laptop you choose doesn't have to be used only for your school projects. Let's remember that school years are not only for studying but for having fun as well, a reason for which you might want to consider packing more computing power into your laptop. Going beyond the limited configuration, a 3D display, a dedicated graphics card, a gaming processor and a Blu-Ray DVD player will enhance your multimedia and gaming experience while taking studying breaks.

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