So you just bought WoW and now you're looking for some information to get you started. Well, then you're at the right place. I wrote this wow guide for all beginners who are confused about the game and looking for some guidance.
What is World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft is a fantasy base Massive Multiplayer Online Roll-Playing Game or most people just call it MMORPG. The objective of playing WoW as with any other MMORPG is to choose a character or hero and go on a series of adventures.
And in order for you to attempt these adventures of dragons and monsters, you must first develop or level up your character. There are many ways to level up your character but that is not something I'm going to go over in this wow guide.
What I'm going to talk about in this WoW guide are the basic machines of playing the game. Which is also extremely important especially if you're new to MMORPGs. So, for those of you who have previously played other MMORPGs, many of the tips I'm going mention below you probably already know.
Movement Basics
There are 2 ways of moving your character in Worlds of Warcraft. You can either move your character entirely with your mouse by clicking where you want to go or you can use the W,A,S,D keys on your keyboard. But both ways are very inefficient by it self and you'll feel ridged when moving your character either way.
The best way to move your character is to use a combination of both your mouse and keyboard, but first let me explain what each key does. The W key moves you forward, A key turns you to the left, S moves you backwards, and D turns you to the right.
However there are 2 more very important keys and people often forget about them, and they are the Q and E strafe keys. The mouse on the other hand is much simpler, since there are only 2 mouse button on a standard mouse.
The left mouse button allows you to change your camera angel, and the right mouse button allows you to turn your character. But if you hold both mouse buttons down at the same time it allows you to move your character forward while directing your characters direction with the mouse axis.
The way I move my characters in WoW is to hold the right mouse button and use the Q,W,E,A,S,D keys on my keyword to move. I do this because it allows me to move my character very accurately, but there are many other ways of moving your character, so find one that suits you. Anyway it is a bit hard to explain just with words go ahead and try these out yourself.
User Interface Basics
The user interface is an extremely important part of any MMORPGs. A good MMORPG should have very friendly and easy to use User Interface to handle and process all the necessary information for the player to control their character. WoW has done a very good job with their user interface.
Health/Mana/Energy Window - This window displays your character portrait as well as your current health, and mana/energy level of your character.
Chat Window - The chat window is pretty straight forward. It allows you to communicate with everyone in the game and also display combat logs.
Mini Map Window - This is a very important feature in WoW. The mini map is kind of like a bird's eye view of your current location and you're surroundings. It also will give you good indication of any friend or foe NPCs/players that are around you.
Hotkeys (Action) Bar - The action bar or may like to call it hotkeys bar allows you to easily access the skills, potions, or any item you want. Simply drag the skills, potion, or item that you want easy access to on to an empty slot on the action bar, and then to use it just use the number key on your keyboard that's assign to that particular slot.
Option Menu Bar - The option menu bar that is located to the right of your action bar gives you access to your character, spell, dungeon, battleground, interface, talent, quest log, achievement, and option menu.
Inventory Bar - The inventory bar is kind of like the action bars expect it is only for bags. It displays all your current bags and allows you to easy access to them.
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