Monday, September 26, 2011

The Second Life Phenomenon - Are You Ready for a Second Chance at the Dream Life?

Second Life is an interactive online social game that allows people from all over the world to recreate their lives. What is remarkable about this game platform is that it closely mirrors the offline world. Users are able to create things on their own, from building their own homes to designing handbags and unique clothing. Just like in the real world offline, users find jobs and make friends so their second life is enjoyable and rewarding.
Take a moment to imagine your dream life. If you could wave a wand and change all aspects of your current life, what would this perfect dream life look like? What would you do for a career? What would your mate look like? What would you do in your free time? What type of home would you live in? What shoes would you buy? All of those things could be brought into a virtual reality if you created an avatar and started playing Second Life.
The avatars used on this game are among the most real-looking avatars found in the online gaming community today. You can create an avatar that very closely resembles your real-life appearance, or you can stick with the dream life theme and create the version of you that you wish you could be in the real life. You can then walk around the streets and mingle with other people. Go out dancing with friends. Do all the things that you wish you could do in your real life. It all happens in the online world, so you don't have to really leave your home to gain the experience.
The sense of really getting a second chance at creating a magical life is the concept that draws most people to the Second Life game. Yet, there is a way to actually make real money playing this game. Since goods and services are paid for with real money on the game, there is the potential to create a successful business in the Second Life world and bring in a steady income for your real offline world.
There are people who actually make a full time living playing this game from home. That seems amazing, but they have to plug into the game on a daily basis, design new goods and services, and consistently advertise and sell them just as they would for a business in the real world.
Most people play Second Life because they just want to escape their real life for short periods of time each day. They can mingle with people from around the world in a safe environment and fulfill dreams that may never come true in the offline world. The game has become a phenomenon that is catching on around the world. It seems everyone wants to reinvent themselves and see what their life could be like had they taken different routes along the way.
The best part of playing in the Second Life world is building your avatar. This is where you decide what you weight, what color your hair and eyes are, what clothing you wear, and how you present yourself to the world. You might have been born with brown hair, but you can be a redheaded bombshell in the Second Life world. The only limit to this game is your own imagination.
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